F2F Class Notes 2nd December (Tony)

He eats

He should eat

Should’ve = Shoulda eg: “I shoulda lived in the States for 2 months.”

should – future use eg: “I should bring an umbrella, it might rain tonight.” “I should’ve brought an umbrella, it rained last night.”

ought to – otta  – similar meaning to should but less common. “He ought to keep working hard until he gets a promotion.”

Could – something possibly can happen, or someone has the ability to do something

Could’ve = Coulda eg: “I coulda stayed in the US, but I came to Shanghai.” “I coulda gotten married to my ex, but I didn’t love him.”

would – eg: “I would go with you, but I’m really busy.” “I would’ve gone with you but I was really busy.”

Would’ve = Woulda eg: “I would’ve finished this work if I had enough time.”
