F2F Class Notes 2nd December (Tony)

I’d rather not say. – I would like to not say it.

she grew up in America.

I’ve been learning Japanese for two years.

speak my mind

go on a business trip

jealous of – eg: “I’m jealous of people who have a talent for learning languages.”

Literally – The original meaning of the word eg: “You mean literally? You are literally going to die because haven’t eaten?” “You are literally starving?” “What’s up?” The sky is up

Figuratively – The new meaning of a word or phrase “What’s up?” Not much is happening.

dumb it down – to make it simpler and easier to understand eg: “I’ll try not to dumb down my replies to you so that you can get used to normal conversation.”

frustrated – upset that things are going wrong or are not working. eg: “Learning languages can be frustrating if you keep forgetting new words.” “I feel frustrated with my rusty English.”

shy – xiu – scared to be outgoing eg: “I’m too shy to speak English.”

A 10 year visa to USA.  – using numbers as adjectives, don’t use the plural form of the number and word.

This is a 6 person car. – Keep the word as singular.

restore – to change something back to it’s original state eg: “They had to restore my computer because it had a crucial error.”

let down – disappointed with something you had expectations for eg: “I’m constantly let down by the lack of professionalism.”

rusty – a skill that is little out of practice eg: “My English is a little rusty.” “I’m a little rusty with cooking.”