F2F Class Notes 2nd December (Raph)


Prepare (v): 1- make (something) ready for use or consideration. 2- to do something so you get ready for something else that will happen in the future.
E.g.: I studied a lot to prepare for my exam.

Preparation (n): 1- the process of preparing for something.
E.g.: How are the preparations for the party going?

Excited (adj): 1- very happy and enthusiastic because something good is going to happen
E.g.: She was very excited about going to Disneyland.

Outgoing (adj): 1-  friendly, open and not shy.
E.g.: He is an outgoing person, so he makes friends very easily.

Q: How was your week?
A: It was ____ .
E.g.: good, great, not bad, not so good, pretty good, pretty bad, terrible, etc..


Last week I have many classes. – Last week I had many classes.

Sleep late for play games. – I went to sleep late because I was playing games.

I will move to Suzhou two months – I will move to Suzhou in two months


Verb To Be – Present Tense

am – I am excited to go to Suzhou in two months.
You are – You are a very tall person.
He is – He is playing computer games.
She is – She is drawing carefully.
It is – I think it is a good idea to study at an international school
We are – We are having an English class now.
You are – You are very tall people.
They are – They are playing basketball.

Verb To Be – Past Tense

was – I couldn’t speak English when I was 5 years old.
You were – Could you play basketball when you were 5?
He was – He was very afraid of ghosts.
She was – She was very shy when she was little, but now she is more outgoing.
It was – It was raining all day last Wednesday.
We were – We were 10 years old when we met.
You were – You were having a party.
They were – They were dancing all night.

Verb To Be – Future Tense

I am going to be / will be – The traffic is bad, so I will be late.
You are going to be / will be – You are going to be very happy about these news!
He is going to be / will be – He will be here soon.
She is going to be / will be – She will be at the park at 3 o’clock.
It is going to be / will be – It will be very nice to see you again!
We are going to be / will be – We will be playing computer games all day!
You are going to be / will be – You will be dancing together.
They are going to be / will be – They are going to be together at the concert.

Singular | Plural

pencil | pencils
man | men
person | people
chair | chairs
classroom | classrooms
woman | women
bottle | bottles