F2F Class Notes 2nd December (Joseph)

B2B – business to business

B2C – business to customer

Higher education – includes bachelors, masters, mba and phd

Theory based learning – learning from ideas and books

Practical learning – learn from experiments (learn by doing)

Monitary gain – to get more money

Who knows what the future holds

Differentiate/Differenting – differentiate yourself from the competition

There are opportunities in your future that you don’t know. (wrong)

The future holds many opportunities. (correct)

What kind of job can really excite you. (wrong)

You need to know what kind of jobs excite you. (correct)

How you memory things. (wrong)

How you remember things. (correct)

A lot of my doubts got cleared. (wrong)

I lost a lot of my doubts. (correct)

Work on pronunciation. 

especially TH and S

e.g. theory and usually (fee-or-ee) (you-su-al-lee)