F2F Class Notes 2nd August (Celeste)

If something is making you very tired, it is exhausting, you are exhausted.

They told me one month in advance to let me to find a new apartment and move.

They told me one month in advance to allow/give me the time to find a new apartment and move.

Mothers let their children go outside and play.

He let me talk on the phone for one hour.

herb (erb)

Hermes (air mez)

Herbal Essences  (erbull essences)

I always to choose the non fragrance products.

I always choose the non fragrance products.

When I have opportunity to go abroad…
When I have an/the opportunity to go abroad…

It is cheaper than buying it/them abroad.

When you are back to China.
When you are back in China.
When you come back to China.

I want to share you another interesting thing.
I want to share something interesting with you.
I want to share with you something interesting.

some discounts
some sales
some products

pushy adj.- when people push

They don’t untrust you
They do trust you.