F2F Class Notes 2nd April (Tony)


pull a muscle – to injure a muscle by stretching it too much from exercise

eg: “Don’t forget to stretch, or you could pull a muscle.”

hamstring – the muscle on the back of your leg.

eg: I think I pulled my hamstring running last week.”

swollen – larger than normal, probably unhealthy

eg: “My finger is really swollen, it got slammed in the car door.”

slipped my mind – suddenly forgot something

eg: “I had a question but it just slipped my mind.”

stick out – be very noticeable

eg: You won’t stick out if you go to California, there’s a lot of Asian people there.

Basic wine terminology: 

Dry – red wines, leaves a dry aftertaste in your mouth.


Legs – drops that run down the side of the glass, after you swirl it, indicates the amount of alcohol in the wine

Jammy – like jam, or jelly(food) thick and sweet, with a candy-like taste

smooth – or soft, means easy to drink.

bite – strong aftertaste, indicating acidity

goon – often what Aussies use to refer to boxed wine, that is cheap and comes in a bag or sack

eg: “He was all drunk on goon.”

Cabernet Sauvignon – Cab Sav, dry a red wine

Port or Porto – from portugal, sweet wine often used with cooking.


Have you got a minute   (More common in British English)

Do you have a minute   (More common in American English)

If I would’ve known.


obnoxious – ub nox shus