F2F Class Notes 2nd April (Cricket)


considerate:  thoughtful of the rights and feelings of others-to respect people’s comfort

opposite word is- inconsiderate

eg. My dad is not considerate of other people when he drives fast.

prank: a trick of an amusing, playful, or sometimes mean nature

eg. I played a prank on my teacher on April Fool’s Day.

About April Fools Day

In the U.S., April Fools’ Day is celebrated every year on April 1st. Though not a national holiday, April Fools’ Day is enjoyed by playing practical jokes or hoaxes on teachers, classmates, family members, neighbors and work associates.

To play a food-based prank, add a few drops of food coloring to milk or make food that looks like another food, such as yogurt with a peach half, which looks like a sunny side up egg, or meatloaf and mashed potato “cupcakes.” Make snack time sneaky by opening a pre-packaged snack, such as chips, removing the snack and replacing it with something different, such as cookies.

Confuse the family by placing a small strip of clear tape over the end of the remote control or on the bottom of the computer’s mouse to cover the optical component. Simultaneously press Control, Alt and the down arrow key on a keyboard to flip the screen’s display to vertical. Press the same sequence again to return to normal.

Fake bugs, rats, snakes and lizards are an April Fool’s Day favorite. Place gummy bugs or plastic replicas in lunches, on the floor or in desk drawers. Draw spiders on the toilet paper roll.

Other simple pranks include changing clocks to an earlier time, replacing the cream in sandwich cookies with toothpaste and turning chairs and pictures upside down all around the house. In the bathroom, paint gel food coloring inside the sink and tub faucets or put chips under the toilet seat for a crackling trick.

Read Diary of a Wimpy kid.