F2F Class Notes 29th September (Raph)

Accompany (v): 1- to go somewhere with someone.
E.g.: The two sisters accompanied us to London.

Adult (n): 1- a person who is fully grown or developed.
E.g.: Children should always be with an adult.

Celebrate (v): 1- to do something special or enjoyable for an important event, occasion, holiday, etc.
E.g.: We celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival by eating mooncakes with our family.

Minor (n): 1- someone who is younger than 18 years old or under the age of full legal responsibility.
E.g.: He cannot drink alcohol, because he’s still a minor.

Jail (n): 1- a place where people are kept when they have been arrested and are being punished for a crime.
E.g.: He went to jail for killing someone.

(Original – Edited)

My birthday on July 29 – My birthday is on July 29th.