F2F Class Notes 29th March (Celeste)[W]***
Read and review your class notes from this week. Be prepared to make example sentences in your next class.
virus / viruses ( v eye – rus – siz ) – bin du
Q: Do you feel better? / How are you feeling? Are you still sick?
I feel better/worse.
I still don’t feel better.
Q: Are you still sick?
Yes, I’m still sick. / No, I’m not sick anymore.
Yesterday we wore less clothing, except for you, you wore a sweater. So I thought you had a virus in your body.
” ” = quotation marks
? = question mark
sth, sb, = comma
. = period ( peer – ree – id )
Writing exercise
get/getting/got/will get a promotion = to get a higher position at work
I have a friend who he got a promotion at Nike company.
I hope Michel can get a promotion to a higher position at his company.
position = way to say which level you work at in your company
She wants to get a position of at the bank .
The father helps his son got a higher position in the government. – The father helped his son get a higher position in the government. / The father helps his son get a higher position in the government.
promotion = sale / deal / good price / discounted price for when you buy sth
She likes to buy a lot of food when the supermarket makes a promotion.
Michel told me his job is makes difficult different promotions between the seasons. – Michel told me his job makes different promotions between the seasons.
offer / offering / offered / will offer – to give
I asked the yoga membership seller, “can you offer me a cheap price for a 1 year yoga membership card?”
The yoga membership seller answered me, “I can’t offer you the cheap price because it’s the company rules.”
accident ( ak – si – dent ) – when you do sth but you did not want to do it
Be Careful when you ride the bicycle, don’t be get in an accident.
Last Sunday I saw the Shanghai news about a little boy who died in a traffic accident.
do sth on purpose (per – piss ) – gu yi
I made Michel angry on purpose. – PERFECT and VERY FUNNY!
The car stopped in front of a shop on purpose.
fire – There was a fire at Hongkou Stadium today.
Don’t play with fire in the forest.
The guy made a fire on purpose in the garbage room. – PERFECT!
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