F2f Class Notes 29th January (Rab)

Howz it going – an informal greeting

What do you think of soulmate – what do you think about soulmates

Fairy tale – a story often for children snow white, Pinocchio)

Fairy – small mythical creature often seen as light or as a small woman that can fly and has magic

Tale – a story
Ex. He is full of tall tales ( false and long stories)

Because she finished her college – because she finished her college course

Same-sex marraige – marraige between two men or two women
Ex. Same-sex marriages are not officially recognised in china

Certificate – a piece of paper proclaiming an award of some sort
Ex. We are just organising the marraige certificate now and soon it will all be official

Bachelor – an unmarried man
Ex. I am still a bachelor as I just haven’t met the right woman for me

My mother will told me – my mother told me/my mother will tell me

Blind-date – a first date before you have ever met them
Ex. This Saturday I have a blind-date with my brothers friend, I hope he is not really short and ugly

Arranged marraige – a marraige organised by parents
Ex. I still haven’t found my soulmate so I might accept my parents arranged marraige

To Divorce (divorced)
Ex. Some of my friends are divorced because they married top young