F2F Class Notes 29th December (Raph)


Ally (n): 1- a country that has agreed to give help and support to another, esp. during a war, or a person who helps and supports someone else. 2- a friend or a person who support you.
The United States is Israel’s biggest ally.

Censor (v): 1- examine (a book, film, etc.) officially and suppress unacceptable parts of it.
E.g.: This movie was censored by the government.

Censorship (n): 1- the practice of censoring.
E.g.: Censorship in China is implemented or mandated by the Communist Party.

Bias (n): 1- an unfair personal opinion that influences your judgment
They promised to fight racial bias in the school.

New Year’s Eve (n): 1- December 31st

New Year’s Day (n): 1- January 1st

Israel (n): 以色列


I should care much more politics. – I should care much more about politics.

You are so dedicate! – You are so dedicated!

A big expensive. – A big expense.

Oneth – First