F2F Class Notes 29th December (Celeste)


dough n.- mixture of flour and water or milk to make breads and cookies

detail-oriented means that you pay attention to every little detail or thing

she phones/calls/talks to my boss everyday

What is your preference, coffee or tea?

I prefer coffee. (verb) / My preference is coffee. (noun)

What is your preference, wine or beer?

I prefer wine. / My preference is wine.

What do you prefer, flowers or candy?

I prefer flowers. / My preference is flowers.

What do you prefer, math or Chinese?

I prefer Chinese. / My preference is Chinese.

tangible adj.- capable of being touched

eg. Coffee is tangible, ideas are not.


if something happens…

eg. if something happens call mom

eg. if something bad happens call the police

if there is/are…

eg. if there is a fire call the fire department

eg. if there is an earthquake call your family

eg. if there are a lot of animals that escaped from the zoo call the zookeepers