F2F Class Notes 29th August (Lina)

It’s really tiredIt’s really tiring


Find reasons from others then themselves Always blame others

A good woman bossa good female boss

Twofaced – fake, dishonest

My colleague was incredibly twofaced; it got her fired in the end.

Sucking up– doing things only for show, to appear better than they are (e.g. to bosses)

                             Some people are constantly sucking up the management while they are watching but as soon as they aren’t their character change

Working well together / all departments are well integrated /things run smoothly between the different departments at work

Concerns – issues, fears,

                             I had some concerns that it would be a tougher work environment working for a luxury brand but it turned out that the opposite was true.

Doubted you – was not sure about you

My boss doubted my sincerity at first

Warmed up to you – took a liking to you

Your boss warmed up to you after having spent some time with you

Extend – prolong the contract

They did not want to extend her contract

Expand – to make bigger

                             The balloon expands if you add more air to it