F2F Class Notes 29th April (Jesse)

it’s a free day = i did nothing / i didn’t work / i didn’t go to work 

it was a quiet day today / it wasn’t very busy today / today was quiet free 

subtle – a very small feeling / difference / small amount 

eg. there is a subtle red color in your hair 

eg2. i have a subtle sadness in my heart 

From tomorrow, it will be a bank holiday, we will have 3 days off. Have you thought about what will you do during the vacation. My plan is that, on the first day, my father is sick for his thyroid, and I need to go with him to the hospital to see a doctor. Then in the afternoon, I will go to the supermarket to buy some necessary products. On the second day, I plan to go to nature museum. In the nature museum, there are many kinds of animals’s specimens, I guess my daughter will be interested in them. But I am afraid that there will be many people in there. On the third day, I have to work overtime, it is a bad day.

From tomorrow, it will be a bank holiday, we will have 3 days off. Have you thought about what you will do during the vacation? My plan is that, on the first day, as my father is sick with his thyroid problem, I need to go with him to the hospital to see a doctor. Then in the afternoon, I will go to the supermarket to buy some necessary products / groceries. On the second day, I plan to go to a nature museum. There are many kinds of animal specimens there, and I guess my daughter will be interested in them. However, I am afraid that there will be many people there. On the third day it will be a bad day because I have to work overtime.

have you thought about what you will do tomorrow?

what will you do tomorrow?

tumor / lump 

thyroid – “th eye royd”