F2F Class Notes 28th September (Tony)

I reccommend you buy English Grammar In Use by Cambridge Books. Preferably(adv.) the most current edition.

By bus – I took a bus here.

Where did you take a taxi here? – Where did you take a taxi from?

After one year I may come back to my hometown – After one year I’ll go back to my hometown.

a huge progress – more progress

Authentic: the real version “The other night I had some authentic ChaoZhou cuisine.”

Cuisine: type of food, from region or area or country.

MSG: something added to food for flavor, usually a yellow powder, or redish yellow oil.

Recycled Oil. 

Limit costs – Cut costs.

Margin: the space between two things eg: “Restaurants have very slim margins, especially in China.”

Idioms: Phrases used to convey more meaning.

Business Idioms:

Hand in Hand: together, along with. eg: “Success goes hand in hand with effort.” “Effort and success often go together.” “To be successful you must put in a lot of effort.”

I watched an actor use the phrase Hand in Hand during an interview.

Down-time: Time at the workplace, but not working. eg “My boss takes advantage of our downtime by putting us to work.” eg: “If there’s time to lean, there’s time to clean.”

Same Boat: same situation. eg: “For the amount of homework, most Chinese students are in the same boat.”