F2F Class Notes 28th March (Joseph)


White collar – office workers (e.g. I was mainly in charge of hiring white collar employees.)

Blue collar – factory workers (e.g. Having a blue collar job can be quite challenging and very tiring.)

Personnel – means employee (One of my responsibilities was to hire new employees, such as marketing personnel and sales personnel.)

Department – the area in the company (e.g. Many different colleagues from different departments would be involved.)


Lift (li-ffff-t)

Elevator (ell-er-vay-ter)

Fashionable (fa-ssh-on-able)

Overseas (over-see-ss)

Outstanding (out-ssstan-ding)

Non-standard Bearing Manufacturing Corporation (non-ssstand-erd Bare-ring…)

Harbin University (harrr-bin You-ni-ver-city)

Spring (ssp-ring)

Career (ke-reer)

Serviced (serv-yi-sssd)

relevant (rel-le-vent)

Clients (Cl-eye-entsss)

Merit (mer-ittt)

Metal (met-tool)

Ceiling (see-lings)

Recruit (re-croot)

zoo (zzzz-oo)