F2F Class notes 28th June (Christian)

A timely response would be greatly appreciated = hurry up and reply soon!

I dont appreciate your tone= dont talk to me like that

blunt= very to the point, no “beating around the bush”= very indirect

blunt= very direct

eg shall i be blunt?

give it to me straight= directly tell me

shes unique = shes very different

shes quirky (different in a good way)

shes funny= she has a good sense of humour

we balance each other, she is an extrovert and im more of an introvert 

homework: words associated with extrovert and introvert

extrovert: show-off, flamboyant, Hyper-active

introvert: Quiet, low-key,  (someone that likes to stay at home), withdrawn, bookish( someone that likes to read a lot of books)

my mind has gone blank= i cant think of anything right now

eg I have no idea, my mind is blank right now.