F2F Class Notes 28th February (Jesse) [S]
- Do you like to take photographs? (Why?)
- Do you think it is better to take photos using a camera or a mobile phone?
prepositions – focus on these next writing – connecting ideas with them.
I reckon / I think
eg. I reckon today was a bit cold
i figure / assume tomorrow will probably be cold too
10 by 20 cm are the dimensions of this book
why were you riding an adult bike?
adult bike < > kids bike
i was too short
I was almost 13
I was around 13
i spent a week
eg. i spent an hour getting here today (maybe your choice / control)
it took a week
eg. it takes an hour or so to get here from home (not your choice / out of your control)
Speaking exercise
my favourite food is shandong food because there isn’t sugar in a meat and it isn’t spicy which make me more comfortable. If i live in shandong i will eat shandong food every day. that’s my dream.
i usually eat that food when i was in my hometown. i really like my mothers cooking. she really good at cooking fish. when i was a kid i ate fish every day, so that time was a very happy time.
recently i usually eat japanese food and west food because they’re healthy ___ they are made of vegetable they aren’t like chinese food, because chinese food has too much oil. So recently I eat japanese food and western food.
so recently i eat japanese food / so right now I like to have japanese food / so these days I prefer to choose japanese food.
When i was a kid my parents bought a bike for my brother. he liked drive it every day so i just helped him. when he drive the bike, with 3 wheels, when he ride it i just put my hand on the handle bars and my feet on the bar.
the boys in my hometown –
most of the toy i made it – i made most of the toys
spinning top
sling shot
street lamp
one of my feet
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