F2F Class Notes 28th December (Jesse)


just for what you think about – it depends what you think

I think “you are good” (specific information)
I think about you (subject)

I say “you are good” (specific words)
I talk about you (subject) 

breast-milk  / mother’s milk

i haven’t seen her for maybe 6 months
we haven’t seen each other for 6 months / it has been 6 months since we last saw each other

get together = date

nearly = almost

closest / close / near = jin

in detail – in a detailed way
eg. can you tell me the process in detail?

I want somebody to talk to.
I want to talk to somebody.

it is not salary, but also how much I can learn from it.
It is not salary, but also how much I can learn.
Jesse is a teacher that I learn from.

The phone came from Apple
Apple, is the place the phone came from.

We work at the company.
The company is the place we work at.