F2F Class Notes 28th April (Peter)


we don’t meet each other that often – we don’t meet up that often


Mediterranean (meh-dih-turr-AYE-knee-un)


Burden – responsibility

Ex. The reason the word “ring bearer” is used instead of something more simple, such as “ring holder,” is because it is the person’s responsibility to hold the rings and it can be burden to have such a big responsibility.

Ring bearer – the person who is in charge of holding the rings during the wedding ceremony

Ex. Generally speaking, the ring bearer is one of the youngest family members.

Groom – the man who is going to get married during the ceremony

Ex. In many cultures, it is considered bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding ceremony.

Best Man – the man who the groom chooses to accompany him

Ex. It is normally the responsibility of the best man to throw* the groom’s bachelor party.

*Note: when talking about hosting a party, we use the word “to throw.”

Maid of honor – the woman who the bride chooses to accompany her

Ex. It is tradition for the maid of honor to accompany the bride when she buys her wedding dress.

Palestine – a small country located inbetween Israel, Egypt, and Jordan.

Ex. The total land area of the Palestine’s West Bank is smaller than Shanghai, but even still, the region is very disputed.

Sandstorm – a large moving body of sand that is blown by wind

Ex. In the Middle East, the worst sandstorms typically take place in May.

Lavender – a fragrant purple flower

Ex. France is faamous for its lush Lavender fields.

Scandinavia – a region of Norther Europe that includes Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark

Ex. Scandinavian countries have some of the most successful educational systems in the world.