F2F Class Notes 28 June (Peter)
Allusion – reference
Ex. In the English language, there are many biblical allusions.
Allude – to reference
Old Testament – the part of the bible before Jesus, in reference to Judaism, this is called the Tanakh. The original language of the Old Testament is Ancient Hebrew.
New Testament – the part of the bible containing Jesus. The original language of the New Testament is Ancient Greek.
Revived – brought back to life
Ex. The Hebrew language was revived in the 20th century and is spoken in modern-day Israel.
Palestine – a country that borders Israel, Jordan, and Egypt. It can also refer to the pre-1948 British Mandate (modern-day Israel).
Turmoil – unrest, 动乱
De facto – in practice
De jure – in law
Zionist – a person who supports the worldwide Jewish movement that resulted in the establishment and development of the state of Israel.
Quran – the holy book of Islam, the original language being Arabic古兰经
Cognate – loanword, a word the comes from another languages
Polyglot – a speaker of several languages (usually four or more)
Ex. Monolingual, Bilingual, Trilingual, Polyglot
Semantics – inner-workings
Palestinian (pal-iss-TIN-yin)
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