F2F Class Notes 27th September (Raph)

Disease (n): 1- an illness that affects a person, animal, or plant : a condition that prevents the body or mind from working normally.
E.g.: Scientists are working hard to find cures for different diseases.

Guesthouse (n): 1- a small hotel; also : a private house that accepts paying guests
E.g.: I will stay in a guesthouse in Gongyu.

OCD (adj): 1- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. 2- a term that refers to a condition causing repetitive thoughts and behaviors, but may also be used in informal conversations to jokingly tell another person that he’s way too committed or involved.
E.g.: Don’t be like that, or people will think you have OCD!

(Original – Edited)

I’ve never been to there – I’ve never been there.