F2F Class Notes 27th October (Jesse)


eg. my last name is hyphenated

PJ – pyjamas 
eg. i put on my PJs before bed

age / aged
he is aged less than 1
his age is less than 1
he is less than 1 year old
he is less than 1

you get more points if one of you holds a senior position in the company

points – you receive these for each thing you do
eg. for every question you get correct, you get 1 point

score – the result of a test / competition
eg. my score was 100 points
eg2. I’ll give you a score of 100

marks – the same as points / also means your overall performance at school
eg. for every question you get correct, you get 1 mark

whoever gets the highest score, will win. (whoever is replaced by “the person who”)

you can’t feel the speed / feel how fast it is 

methodical – likes to follow procedures and goes step by step for everything

finicky / pedantic – too detail focused that it can be negative and time consuming

self deprecating – sb who rergularly puts themself down
eg. he can be self deprecating

pneumonultramicroscopicsilicavolcanoconiosis – volcanic dust disease


i can tell you something what happened in last saturday – i can tell you something that happened last saturday

each team have 4 members – each team has 4 members

another people – other people / another person 

i knew a lot of new friends – I met a lot of really nice people / I made a lot of nice friends