F2F Class Notes 27th October (Jesse)


well rounded – to be pretty good at everything related to sth
eg. Jesse is a very well rounded teacher

the perfect result – yuan man

licence plate – che pai

it tells of a story about a man ….
the story tells us about a man….
the story tells us that you should treat others with respect.

life changing moment

it’s a matter of life and death = it’s incredible important

it was life or death = it was a situation in which sb almost died

“if it’s life or death, then I can come”

take his job back – to accept your job back
eg. he asked for his job, then they offered him his job back and then he took his job back

his dream / deep down
eg. he’s a truck driver but deep down he feels like an artist

a couple = a husband and wife 

auction – pai man hui
eg. he sold many paintings at the auction

art collectors / art buyers

transformation (big change) / transition (change from A to B)

transfer – to move from A to B

transaction – to send sth from A to B

i appreciate you = i say thank you to you
i am appreciative = i feel like saying thank you to you
i am appreciated = people say thank you to me
i am appreciating you = i am saying thank you to you now


it’s a life and death experiencenear death experience 

go out to be a painter he went all in and followed his dream to become a painter 

he did believedhe did believe

at his leisure time in his spare time / when he was free 

he was so appreciatehe was so appreciative 


i have never had class with her / I have never been to Australia

to put effort into sth




provide – V

changed – A

accident – ACK SEE

winding – eye n

vital – V

talented – ta