F2F Class Notes 27th November (Peter)

Corrections (original – corrected)

Presentation skill – presentation skills

I just changed my jobs – I just changed jobs

The quality of the food there is really higher – the quality of the food there is really high

The simplified characters were one vote more than the traditional characters – simplified characters won by only one vote


Vocabulary 词汇

Radical – dangerously extreme

Ex. He has very radical views about abortion.

Radicalize – to make extreme

Ex. Recessions can often radicalize people’s views on government interference in the market.

Radicalization – a larger movement of a shift to extreme views

Ex. Trump’s election effectively is causing radicalization in the American South.

Marginalized – used to describe a group of people who are not given priority in society

Ex. The LGBT community is often marginalized.

Palestine – a small country bordered by Israel, Egypt, and Jordan; 巴勒斯坦.

De Facto – in practice

Ex. Ramallah is the de facto capital of Palestine.

De Jure – in law

Ex. Jerusalem is the de jure capital of Palestine.

Expressions 成语

The “cost of living” refers to the price of living in a city or country. It takes housing, food, and entertainment into account.