F2f Class Notes 27th November (Peter)

Corrections (original – corrected)

Most of time – most of the time

To visit the sightseeing – to go sightseeing

I just want to respect a person when I met – I want to look respectable


Vocabulary 词汇

Embody – to incorporate, to give body to

Ex. The word

Matchmaker – a person who creates couples based on what they know about two different people

Match – transitive verb (used with object), to put into pairs or to align with similar things

Ex. Match the pictures with correct descriptions.

Onomatopoeia – a word based on a sound, 拟声词.

Ex. Boom, smack, meow, bark, the Chinese 拍拍.

Grammar 语法

The phrase following the word “actually” should be the opposite of the first clause of the sentence.

Ex. He thinks I like him, but actually I don’t.

Expressions 成语

In American slang, the expression “I’m feeling myself” means that a person think he or she looks sexy.

Ex. Today I came dressed up fancy-I’m feeling myself.

To “set someone up with someone” means to be the matchmaker for two people, usually friends.

Ex. I set up my best friend with one of my coworkers and now they’re dating.

The phrase “to make conversation” means to begin talking with someone, usually when first meeting.

Think vs. think about

“Think” means 觉得, “think about” means 想 or 考虑.

Ex. The two of them were so nervous and timid that they couldn’t make conversation.

The expression “to turn out” is similar to the Chinese phrases “结果,” and “原来.”

Ex. I thought he hates me, but it turns out he’s just nervous.

Ex. It turns out that my plan worked; now they’re dating.

Pronunciation 发音

Onomatopoeia (correct: on-oh-mat-uh-PEE-uh, actual: on-oh-mon-oh-PEE-uh)


My friend always told me that you are so kindness, actually it is true. Recently, I introduced two friend of mine to meet because they wanted to find Mr. Right. It was a hard mission because I hoped it could succeed. Before I arranged they met, I thought a lot of things which were their education background、idea and personality. In order that they could know deeply, I organized a badminton for them. During that time I suggested that we could match. Of course, scores were not the point, it was important that it made them build a positive conversation. As a result, my thought was right and they were so happy like they were old friend.


My friend always told me that I am very kind, and I agree. Recently, I introduced two friends of mine because they wanted to find Mr. Right. It was a hard mission and I hoped it would succeed. Before I arranged their date, I considered a lot of things, such as their educational backgrounds, life plans, and personalities. In order to encourage them to get to know each other, I arranged a badminton date. During that time, I suggested that we could compete. Of course, winning was not the point, it was more important that it made them make conversation. It turned out that I was right and they were as happy as old friends.