F2F Class Notes 27th May (Lina)
I want to trip another country – I want to go on a trip to another country / I want to go to another country / I want to travel to different countries
Four day free – four day off / four day holiday / four days of vacation
And I need to find my hotel – and I needed to find my hotel (past tense)
Keep ringing someone where is it – kept ringing someone asking where it is
There have a famous place – there is a famous place in dali / they have a famous place in dali called XXX
Ancient city – (very) old city
I met some interesting – I met some interesting new friends
We have stay there three days – we stayed there for three days / we have stayed there for three days (before)
Paris, girls will love there – Paris: girls will love it there
I need’ent care the other people – I need not to care about the other people/I don’t have to care about other people when I choose to travel alone
The girl in Hong Kong and the guy in New York have write each other – The girl in Hong Kong and the guy in New York have written each other
In shanghai you will meet a lot of new thing – In shanghai you will meet a lot of new people and see a lot of new things / encounter a lot of new things
Chinese more harder than English – Chinese is harder than English to learn / Chinese is more difficult than English to learn
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