F2f Class Notes 27th March (Rab)

Nightmare – a bad dream

Occur – happened 
Reoccur – happened again

Recurring – happens again and again and again
Ex. I have a recurring dream that my teeth fall out

Time – pronunciation – remember to say the “m”

To interpret – to understand, to make clear
Ex. I am finding it hard to interpret my dream last night as I killed a man with no face and it confuses me

Ex. I try to interpret what I am thinking about to my friend as I am not sure about it myself it is more a feeling than a thought

Ex. You interpret feelings not thoughts

Journey – a long trip or travel
Ex. How was the journey from China to Britain

Positive <>negative

Mood – you state of mind, happy, sad, grumpy, bouncy
Ex. I have a nice mood this morning as I ate my favourite breakfast and the metro was perfectly on time
Ex. I stood on a piece of lego and have been in a bad mood all day because of it

Sweaty – to be covered in sweat
Ex. After a bad dream I wake up sweaty and in a bad mood