F2F Class Notes 27th March (Jesse)


Do you like watching movies? Why? (no time) When was the last time you watched a movie? How did you feel. (past)


I do well / slowly / quickly

I write very well

My English is good / bad 

This pen is good

The chair is very comfortable

yes I like, i shop twice a week and buy some things that I want.

I go to cafes every day
I come to SE because I want to learn English.

I’m looking at the computer

I look at the computer

I looked at the computer last time

Yes I like it. I shop twice a week, and buy some things that I want.

Yes I do. I buy the shoes once a month. When I buy some shoes, I am very happy.

I bought some shoes yesterday, so now I feel very happy / Now I am feeling very happy.

I don’t have any shoes so I will buy it tomorrow, but now I am learning English so I can’t go to the mall.

talk – no time / sometimes / often
eg. I talk about you sometimes / twice a week / often / always / never

talked – past
eg. I talked about you
eg2. I talked yesterday

talking – now
eg. I am talking now

will talk – future
eg. I will talk tomorrow