F2F Class notes 27th July (Eddie)

WeChat class

I don’t know either.

Q: How are you coping with this heat?

humid =
humidity = an appliance that increases the humidity
humidifier = an appliance used to reduce the dryness in the air
dehumidifier = an appliance used to remove the humidity in the air

to make the air more breathable =

last Saturday is sucklast Saturday sucked

I have no troubles with themI have no issues with them (in this case the braces)

food is easy to get into the gaps = food gets stuck in the gaps between my teeth

I entered a new company = I joined a new company

to hang out with someone = to spend time with someone

work-related = which has something to do with work

in the websiteon the website

sports event = cycling, triathlon etc

I will go there tomorrow. Me too.

I will not go there tomorrow. Me neither.