F2F Class Notes 27th February (Cricket)


notarize-(verb) gong zheng- to legalize a document for authenticity

eg. of documents that need to be notarized: power of attorney, land and property documents, wills, immigration documents, marriage documents

Getting a document notarized in the U.S. typically cost around 20-25 dollars.

a notary– someone who does notarizations


They like to help each others when they get in troubles. They like to help each other when they get into trouble.

I don’t like to play contact sports, that is why I like tennis.


Coffee is more popular than before, especially in shanghai. There are lot of café in streets, the Starbucks, the Costa. Sometime you can even find coffee in Mcdonal’s. They not only supply American coffee, but also provide Italian coffee (milk coffee). Shanghai people have a habit which is drinking coffee for many years. Because shanghai was occupied by other countries and these foreigners took their beverages and cultures before the second war. After many years, these cultures were accepted by shanghai people. coffee was a kind of luxury for normal people in the past because our market had no enough coffee, but now it is a normal drinking for young people.


Coffee is more popular than ever before, especially here in Shanghai. You don’t have to walk very far if you are in search of coffee. McDonald’s has always served coffee but now it even serves specialty coffee. Shanghainese people haven’t always drank coffee. It was introduced by the British when they first occupied Shanghai, before the second war. After many years it has become a commonly enjoyed drink. Before China opened it’s trade market, coffee was only a luxury to the rich. Nowadays, coffee is just as respected as tea. (Coffee is just as highly regarded as tea)