F2F Class Notes 27th December (Raph)


Advocate (n): 1- a person who supports, defends recommends a cause or policy.
E.g.: He is a very determined Human Rights advocate.

Feminism (n): 1- the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities.
E.g.: Feminism is an important tool to make sure women are treated fairly and have their rights protected.

Improvise (v): 1- to do or create something without much preparation.
E.g.: He wasn’t very good at planning, but was able to improvise and still do very well.

Neuroscience: 神經科學


Conundrum: \kə-ˈnən-drəm\

Property: \ˈprä-pər-tē\

Rarely: \ˈrer-lē\

Really: \ˈrē-(ə-)lē\

Speaking exercise


I went out my home to throw out trash and when I back to my house I open the door I found that there was a cute sock hang on the doorknob and it was full of candies. And then I know this was the Christmas gift that the property management give us. They were very nice and I was very happy with the gift.


On Christmas Day I went out of my home to throw the trash out. When I got back to the house I opened the door found that there was a cute Christmas stocking full of candies hanging on the doorknob. I knew this was a Christmas gift from the property management. They were very nice and I was very happy with the gift.
