F2F Class Notes 27 Feb (Trista)


It’s a very tradition custom –

It’s a very traditional custom in China.

It according to your age –

It is according to your age

If you go to work you will hand out the hongbao –

If you are working you will hand out the hongbao to your nieces or nephews.

If you have a job you will…

Will hand out you a red envelope

Will hand out a hongbao to you

Will give you a hongbao

Brother’s/sister’s daughter – niece

Brother’s/sister’s son – nephew

Cousin’s children = your cousin’s children

Will handout them envelope

Will hand them out to your nieces/nephews

They have passed away – polite way to say that someone has died

Eld than you

Older to you

Older than you


17 – make the n at the end clear

If you afford it

You can afford it – you have enough money to buy it

You can’t afford it – you don’t have enough money to buy it

A bottle of while


Very sweet friend

A good friend

A close friend

A best friend

Roommate in the university

College roommate (American English)

Food materials ingredients

The alcohol is very high

The alcohol content is very high

Rice wine – the color is white

Jui – color is not white – just called alcohol or liquor

Nice to meet you – the first time you meet them

Nice to see you – after the first time

Meet you – meet for the first time

Meet with you – I want to see you

Have a good rest of your day – I hope the remaining hours of the day are good for you

Rest of something – some is gone, some is not gone yet

I took a few bites, but you can have the rest of my apple.