F2F Class Notes 26th October (Tony)

Don’t become paranoid easily – don’t get

put money into others account – deposit money into bank accounts for payments

deposit – to put something into a place for holding “I had to deposit money into my bank before I could pay my bills.”

the deposit will be you back – the deposit will be returned

“I paid the deposit to the hotel when I check out it will be returned.” “I paid the hotel deposit, when I check out it will be returned.”

Withdraw (v) – to take money or something out of holding. “The teacher withdrew the awards from the student because he was caught cheating.”

Withdrawal – the act of taking something out of a holding place “I need to make a withdrawal from my savings account.”

Down payment – pay a large percent of the total something before you buy it “I made a small down payment on my home, now my monthly payments too big.”

up front – something done before the other steps/parts “It’s not always good to be up front with people, because you don’t know how sensitive they really are.”

I was just kidding with them