F2F Class Notes 26th October (Tanya)

My vocabulary is lessMy vocabulary is less extensive

extensive – when something is big
e.g. Angela has a very good vocabulary. It is very extensive

I have traveled several countriesI have traveled to several countries
We experienced helicoptersWe experienced a helicopter ride, we flew in a helicopter
Italians menItalian men

beard – facial hair on a man
e.g. A lot of Italian men have beards, but Angela doesn’t like beards.

third generatethird generation
I’m scared of winterI’m scared of the cold, I don’t like winter

humidity – when it’s wet (humid) outside
e.g. Shanghai summers are incredibly humid.

there’s always central heating in the roomthere’s always central heating inside

heater – a thing that heats up the room
e.g. Beijing has a lot of heaters inside their houses.

fireplace – a fire inside the house, usually in the living room
e.g. It’s very nice to have a fireplace at home to warm yourself in the winter.

musician – an artist who is involved in making or producing music
e.g. Wangfei is one of Angela’s favorite musicians.

composer – someone who composes (makes) music
e.g. Mozart is also a very famous composer.

architect – someone who designs houses
e.g. Michelangelo is a famous Italian architect.

bombings – when a bomb explodes somewhere, there’s a bombing
e.g. There were a lot of bombings in Europe in the past year.

in the past year = the last 12 months
in the past few years

next month will become coldit will be even colder next month

thick vs thin