F2F Class Notes 26th October (Lina)


Nine – attention to the last N   _ nein

At that age – at a specific age – (because you don’t mention which age, if you do mention a specific age you can use “at that age”  e.g.   )

Made a filmsMade a film

The furniture is so tart to work around– hard

Tart =slut or the flavor of something bitter e.g grape fruit can be quite tart.

Anxious – pronunciation

Specialty or expertise – something you’re really good at

Interior design is not my expertise

Copper = red metal

Ish = sort off. Slang used after words to indicate that they are not specific.  e.g soon ish (quite soon), 4 o’clock ish (around 4 o’clock)

The bookshelf is made out of copper and we have to incorporate it into the exhibition

Incorporate – include, work around in your project.

It’s not removeit’s not removable  (possible to remove)

It’s a hard work for me – it’s a difficult task for me

House shoes  = slippers, or sandals, flip flops


  Uncivilized man, douche bag, ill mannered (bad manners), classless (no class), Idiot, moron,