F2F Class Notes 26th February (Tony)


Vivo is my favorite brand  of phone

My old phone was a Meizu brand

go home by myself 

my mom’s old phone

nobody used this phone before me, it’s a new phone

after class, I’ll call my mom

Brand – the company name that is put on their products

eg: “The brand of my phone is Vivo.”

model – the specific name for the individual product

eg: “I have the X9 Plus model, it is like the iPhone 6 Plus model.”

tablet – a computer with only a screen, like an iPAd.

eg: “I have a tablet at home, I’m not allowed to take it to school.”

like – xi huan, you enjoy something

eg: “I like my new phone.”

is like – xiang, similar to or almost same

“My new phone is like an iPhone 6 Plus.”