F2F Class Notes 26th February (Joseph)[W]


Go that extra mile – to do extra work in order to accomplish something (e.g. In order to get a promotion I will need to go that extra mile and work as hard as possible.)

Essential – something that is important or necessary

Wealth management – to manage rich people’s money by investing it in various places.

Wealth – being wealthy is different from being rich because a wealthy person’s family are all also rich but a rich person made his money by himself.

Writing exercise

This morning I attended a seminar in a bank by the bund. Its been a long time since I have been to the bund. The weather was nice and the view was beautiful. The bank invited the director of the Bei Tou Hospital from Taiwan to give a speech on how to manage your health. The theme of the seminar was that ones health is more important than ones fortune.

I attended a bank salon this morning at the bund. Its been a long time that I didn’t go to the bund. the weather is nice and the view is beautiful. The bank invited the director of the Bei Tou hospital in taiwan. to give a speech about how to manage your health. The salon theme is that healthy is more important than fortune.