F2F Class Notes 26th February (Jesse)[S]***

Speaking exercise

***review this writing next class

last monday or tuesday i had a talk with my boss one on one. in fact it is a routine talk because my boss wants to know what i am thinking about my work or what’s my plan of my work because she thinks I took not positive but not negative. in the past my work attitude was much better than now so she found that i maybe have been in the down situation for one or even more months so she talked with me and i told her that because i thought maybe in this company there won’t be any promotion (pr) opportunities for me so I am not the kind of person that I can work without reward.

last monday or tuesday i had a talk with my boss one on one. in fact it is a routine talk because my boss wants to know what i am thinking about my work or what’s my plan of my work because she thinks I took not positive but not negative. in the past my work attitude was much better than now so she found that i maybe have been in the down situation for one or even more months so she talked with me and i told her that because i thought maybe in this company there won’t be any promotion (pr) opportunities for me so I am not the kind of person that I can work without reward.


the main characters are good looking 

I have done a lot of overtime this week

steps / stages / phases 

something to aim for
eg. my previous boss always gave me something to aim for, so I felt really satisfied and motivated

fulfilling – when you feel good about self-achievement
eg. I found my old job to be really fulfilling

motivation / motivate
eg. I need motivation in my work or I get depressed

to grow in confidence

productive – to get a lot of work done
eg. I love being productive and if I am not productive for more than 1 day, I feel depressed

capable – to have a lot of abilities
eg. he was a very capable boss

empower – to make sb powerful
eg. my old boss always empowered me by trusting me and giving me lots of responsibility

strengthen – to make stronger

make up for 
eg. he always hired people that could make up for his weaknesses

my old boss / my previous boss

current boss

control freak / clean freak
eg. my mum is a control freak… she always has to control everyone

supporting evidence 

makes sense / logical

suitable for me / good for me 

quit / quit / quit 

autonomy / autonomous – to be able to work by yourself without supervision
eg. I am an autonomous worker but I can also work well in a team.