F2F Class Notes 26th April (Celeste) [R]
Don’t Be Fooled! A Guide to Fake News Websites
Satire is a venerable form of social commentary that uses humor to ridicule human vices and follies. The Internet is rife with it, especially news satire, or fake news, in which fictionalized accounts of current events are presented in mock-journalistic style to lampoon politicians, celebrities, and social mores.
Satire is only effective if people recognize it as such, however, and therein lies a major pitfall of publishing fake news on the Internet. Users tend to skim texts instead of reading them, missing important clues and disclaimers. The mechanics of social sharing obscure the origin and aim of viral content, increasing the likelihood that fiction will be mistaken for, or purposely misrepresented as, fact.
Below is a checklist of the most popular fake news sites on the web. Share as needed!
rife – abundant ( uh – bun – dint ), plentiful, numerous
mechanics – the way sth functions or works, the process / routine or basic methods, procedures, techniques, or details
eg. The mechanics of SE teachers are improving constantly.
eg. The mechanics of the SE website are easier than ever.
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