F2F Class Notes 25th January (Celeste)


Cause and Effect

Cause: The boy forgot his homework. Effect: He had to miss a recess.

Cause: Larry told a great joke. Effect: Everyone laughed loudly.

Cause: Nick ate too much candy. Effect: His stomach hurt.

Cause: The lady slipped on the ice. Effect: She broke her arm.

 Building Longer Sentences

The young cute boy named Jeff  forgot his English writing homework because he was buying an engagement ring for Michelle so he had to miss a 30 minute recess outside.

The young cute girl named Michelle forgot her Spanish reading homework because she knew Jeff was going to propose and she was very excited so she had to miss a 30 minute recess outside.

Claire, a secretary for Judy and Jesse, told a great joke so  everyone laughed loudly and happily saying “ha ha ha” like crazy people.

Clement, who is French, ate too much delicious white rabbit candy so his stomach hurt a little.

Selma, a nice SE teacher, slipped on Michelle’s strawberry and chocolate  ice cream cone so she broke both her arms and had to go to the hospital.