F2F Class Notes 25th August (Raph)

Anxiety (n): 1- fear or nervousness about what might happen. 2- a feeling of wanting to do something very much.
E.g: He’s been feeling a lot of anxiety about his new job.

Democracy (n): 1- a form of government in which people choose leaders by voting
E.g.: India is the world’s largest democracy in terms of population.

Conservative (adj): 1- believing in the value of established and traditional practices in politics and society : relating to or supporting political conservatism. 2- not liking or accepting changes or new ideas
E.g.: Many people say that  we tend to become less conservative when we start traveling the world and seeing other cultures and ways of life.

Progressive (adj): 1- using or interested in new or modern ideas especially in politics and education.
E.g.: Progressive ideas like the support for gay rights and gender equality are gaining more support in many parts of the world.

Abortion (n): 1- a medical procedure used to end a pregnancy and cause the death of the fetus.
E.g.: Pro-choice people believe that the woman should have the right to chose if she wants to have an abortion.

Sexism (n): 1- unfair treatment of people because of their sex; especially : unfair treatment of women.
E.g.: Many people are fighting to end sexism in the government.

Feminism (n): 1- the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities.
E.g.: Feminism is an important tool to make sure women are treated fairly and have their rights protected.

Controversial (adj): 1- relating to or causing much discussion, disagreement, or argument : likely to produce controversy.
E.g.: Abortion is always a very controversial subject.

Civil Right (n): 1- the rights that every person should have regardless of his or her sex, race, or religion.
E.g.: We need to make sure that no one has their civil rights violated.

Minority (n): 1- a group of people who are different from the larger group in a country, area, etc., in some way (such as race or religion).
E.g.: The protection of the civil rights of minority groups should be a priority for every government.

Slavery (n): 1- a condition of having to work very hard without proper payment or appreciation.
E.g.: Slavery was abolished in the US in 1865.

Supreme Court (n): 1- 最高法院

There are two main political parties in the United States, the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. The Republican Party is the most conservative one and the Democratic Party is the most progressive one. In the 2016 presidential elections, Donald Trump is the Republican candidate and Hillary Clinton is the Democratic candidate.