F2F Class Notes 25th August (Celeste)***

my car is broken – I rear ended somebody/another car.

2. Tell me why you would like to join this company.
Coty is the biggest company in the fragrance market and has a complete system of technological process.Because of all that, I think Coty can be a great place to learn more skills and improve myself. In my previous working experience, I did some different kinds of incentive and promotion plans which helped our company increase the sales of fragrances in 10% in one year.

passion- a strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for anything:

creative freedom – new ideas, free to think about a new plan

entrepreneurial spirit – energy to be a person who wants to create a company

1st Edit
Because coty is one of the biggest agent for fragrance in the world.The company’s structure is perfect. And the future development goals of coty is explicit.

2nd Edit

I want to join this company because coty is one of the biggest agents for fragrance in the world.The company’s structure is perfect and the future development goals of Coty are explicit.

I became passionate about fragrances ever since I started working in the cosmetic industry. When I started my career in this constantly changing industry, I memorized every fragrance, not only women’s but also men’s, in our stores because I wanted to know everything about each fragrance and what made them special and unique. I became so familiar with each fragrance that I could suggest a specific perfume for every woman, young girl and man for every season.

My manager trusted me and believed in me to create many different kinds of plans to encourage our staff in stores to sell the specific brand on promotion.
My supervisor left for maternity leave in May, I took over her responsibilities.
Since May, I developed a successful incentive plan for Gucci in June 2016 and from that I created the highest sales performance that month and the sales increased by 20%.


I always try my best to communicate with our vendors because of the sales support
I think I am hardworking and full of passion and I am benefit to increase your sales performance