F2F Class Notes 25th April (Celeste)

Homework: Please remember different ways to answer when someone asks, “how are you?” and please remember to say “bless you” after someone sneezes.

Next class topic: promises, scouts honor, making a cross with two fingers, cooties, crossing 2 fingers behind your back, lying

sneeze – when someone makes a loud sound from their nose and mouth “AAAAACCCCHHHOOOOO!!!”

It is easy to forgot an umbrella on a bus.

burs – bus

It can help my skin healthy. – It can help my skin be healthy/ be clear / be soft/ be smooth.

Review 04/21

Sometimes, I tickle my daughter and she will laugh.

Last week, we went to a hot spring and we had a good time there. 🙂

I booked a hotel and I thought it was a right choice.

The dinosaurs are not exist now. – The dinosaurs don’t exist now.

Many animal will extinct if we hurt the natural. – Many animals will be extinct if we hurt nature.

There are many different rides in a theme park.

I am afraid of taking a roller coaster ride in the theme park.

Seals are very cute and my daughter loves them very much. 🙂

The seals played pass with a ball and they had a lot of fun with it.

We want to make her look more pretty. / We want to dress her more pretty.

I’m going to have dinner in a new restaurant./ We have three meals everyday. 🙂

Now, many old people will live in a retirement home for convenience.

She does the hardest work.

My father will have some complain. – My father will complain to my mother about my grandma’s bad habits.