F2F Class Notes 25th April (Celeste)

Next class: Continue telling stories in order to work on fluidity. Work on using better adjectives to enhance your stories/speaking. Fix minor pronunciation errors.

potpourri ( poe purry ) – good smelling decoration, dried flowers but mostly wood/bark

bark – outside of a tree

brag to show off  or talk highly of yourself in order to make yourself seem cooler/better to also make others envious or jealous (negative feeling)

ex: Celeste brags to her friends about her designer clothes because she shops at all the luxury brands.

ex:I don’t want to brag to you about my work experience but I’m telling you the truth.

toot my own horn = I don’t mean to brag but….

Horns go toot toot.

I ripped my jeans. / I tore a hole in my jeans. = I broke my jeans.

rip off – when people cheat or steal from others, usually used in business

ex: That vendor ripped me off.


The Chinese Film Museum is a place which exhibits about the Chinese film history. When I first got there, I went into the lobby but the entrance of  the museum is not on the first/ground floor. I took the elevator I came to this entrance and I was surprised by the photos. There were some large photo wall which displayed the most famous celebrities who were the first generation of Chinese film. Some of them, most of them are very old now but I saw their young faces just showed on screen and there were a lot of beautiful faces there. I think they just represent the memory of my parent’s or even my gp’s generation. I think it is the good place for my parents to visit there because the place is full of their memories.


The Chinese Film Museum is a place which exhibits Chinese film history. When I first got there, I went into the lobby but the entrance of the museum is not on the first/ground floor. I took the elevator. I stepped into/arrived at this entrance and I was surprised/taken away/moved by the photos. There were some large photo walls which displayed the most famous celebrities who were the first generation in Chinese film. Some of them/most of them are very old now but I saw their young faces onscreen and there were a lot of beautiful faces there. I think they just represent the memory of my parents’ or even my gps’ generation. I think it is an amazing place for my parents to visit because the place is full of their memories.