F2F Class Notes 25nd July (Lina)

You can development a lot of distributor –  You can develop a lot of distributors

When I was young I also like swimming, fighting etc. – When I was young I also liked swimming and boxing  (could also say martial arts, ultimate fighting etc)

Straight away – directly, quickly

Did you learn how to swim straight away when your dad threw you into the water?


Just for exercisesjust for exercise

  • I just swim for the exercise not to compete
  • In the gym I do a lot of different exercises
  • I feel I need to exercise more because I have no strength
  • My favorite exercises are…

In china there are flood In china there are floods

There was a flood in china last year

We have had a number of floods in the last few years

I don’t like I don’t have any time doing exercises –  I don’t   like to exercise and even if I did I don’t have time for it.