F2F Class Notes 24th October (Tony)

How’s it going? It’s going good. It’s good

How are you doing? – I’m good. I’m doing good.

What are you doing? I’m working.  I have the day off. Nothing, I just had dinner.

What did you do yesterday? I  be worked overtime until 8pm.

How have you been? I’ve been good. I’ve been busy. (if you have not seen someone for a while/long time).

I’ve been working in Shanghai for 5 years.  (still in Shanghai)

I was working in Beijing for 5 years. (probably not still in Beijing)

I have no idea. (I really don’t know)

What am I supposed to do? (What should I do)

speeding – driving too fast “In America police will not stop you if you are only speeding 5mph over. But more than that and they will stop you.”

pulled over – when police make you stop driving on the side of the road eg: “I was pulled over and the policeman gave me a $100(One hundred dollar) ticket.”

In China police are very strict.

Quebec – Kwuh Bec