F2F Class Notes 24th October (Raph)

Six-pack (n): 1- a group of strong and well-shaped muscles that can be seen on a person’s stomach. 2- a group of six cans or bottles sold together
E.g.: He worked really hard at the gym in order to get a six-pack.

Treadmill (n): 1- an exercise machine which has a large belt that moves around while a person walks or runs on it
E.g.: I run on the treadmill at least three times a week.

Eruption (n): 1- the process in which a volcano becomes active and ejects lava, ash, and gases.
E.g.: The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD was one of the most catastrophic volcanic eruptions in European history.

Chill: 1- (v) to relax. 2- (adj) something or someone that is very relaxed and easy-going. (n) an unpleasant feeling of coldness in the atmosphere, one’s surroundings, or the body.
E.g.: We were too tired to go out, so we decided to just chill at home.

Tan (v): 1- to cause skin to become darker, especially from being exposed to the sun’s rays
E.g.: She spent all day tanning at the beach.