F2F Class Notes 24th March (Tanya)


zombie – 僵尸

physics –  物理

to show off – to show others you’re good at something

e.g. I like to show off my French speaking skills to my friends.

apocalypse – the end of the world

e.g. Just because you’re not good at writing Chinese, doesn’t mean the apocalypse is near (joke).

creative side – the part of you that’s creative

e.g. I like to show my creative side to people by painting or making music.

physics (noun)- 物理

physical – something that has to do with your body

e.g. It’s important to do physical exercise every day.

imaginary – something you imagined

e.g.Harry Potter is an imaginary character, he’s not real.


For example = for instance = I will give you an example

I will give you an example. For example…

I will give you an example. For instance ….

I will give you an instance

Why do students have to write about zombies? 

What is another reason this information could be helpful? 

Zombies are only in horror movies. Or are they? An article in a university physics journal predicts that zombies could kill most of us in 100 days. Students said there would only be 273 survivors of a zombie apocalypse. The students pretended zombies were a deadly virus. The virus infected someone. The person had a 90 per cent chance of giving the virus to another person. That person spread the virus around the world.

A professor explained why students wrote about zombies. He said: “We ask students to write short papers for the ‘Journal of Physics Special Topics’. It lets the students show off their creative side and use some of the physics they know.” It also gives students writing practice. The professor added that it tested how students use their understanding of physics in imaginary situations. This could help us in the future to prepare for disasters.


apocalypse – apoka lip



Read the article and discuss in the next class.