F2F Class Notes 24th August (Raph)

“I really like what you did with the room. Thank you!”
“I think you looked great last night.”
“He thinks you were very rude to him.”
“They want to how to dance like you danced last Saturday.”

My friend said what happiness was. It is that you will miss family when you are at abroad. It is that you have a hot delicious meal when you arrive at home after finishing your work. I agreed what she said when I saw this information in her friend squad of WeChat, so I left a message below her information to support her.

Yesterday a friend of mine wrote on WeChat about the meaning of happiness. She said that happiness means missing your family when you are abroad. It means having a hot delicious meal when you arrive at home after finishing your work. I agree with what she said, so when I saw it on her WeChat Moments, I left a comment below to support her.